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SF Bay Area (Guerneville, CA)#2_edited.jpg

Service Positions


One of the many ways we learn in Al-Anon to love others in a healthy way is through service. 


Here are the service opportunities our group offers:



The Chair reads our format for the meeting
and leads the discussion. This position has
a four-month term. Learn more about this
service position here. 

Tech Host

The Tech Host ensures the safety of the
meeting by applying security settings and
making certain that attendees remain
muted when not sharing. The Tech Host
also removes anyone being
inappropriate/crude from the meeting.
This position has a four-month term. Learn
more about this service position here.

Chat Host

The Chat Host posts information in the chat during the meeting. This position has a four month term. Learn more about this service position here.



The timer is a co-host responsible for timing shares. When time is up, timer unmutes and says "gentle time" to let member know their time is up.  Shares after each reading are timed at 1 minute and 2 minutes during open sharing. This position has a four month term.


Phone List Coordinator

Our group maintains a phone list to help members stay connected. The phone list coordinator responds to requests for phone lists and updates the phone list as members use the meeting’s google form to add, modify or remove their listing including those willing to Sponsor.  Phone lists will be distributed in a timely fashion upon request and the google form link is posted daily in the meeting chat.  Names and contact numbers are added to the list only by request and are only to be used for purposes related to Al-Anon fellowship and recovery. This position has a four-month term. 

Sponsorship Contact

The Sponsorship Contact is a member with experience in the program who is available to share their experience, strength and hope around Sponsorship. CAL and meeting resources (available to sponsor list etc.) are highlighted and shared if necessary. One on one contact is provided if necessary to answer additional questions. The Sponsorship Contact’s information is shared daily in the chat. This position has a four-month term.



Group Conscience Chair

Our group holds a group conscience on the first Thursday of every month. The Group Conscience Chair leads the monthly group conscience. The chair leads the discussions, facilitates voting when necessary, and produces the monthly agenda based on group suggestions. Coordinates with Website Chair to implement changes to website based on Group Conscience. This position has a 12-month term beginning June 1 each year.

Group Secretary

Our group holds a group conscience on the first Thursday of every month. Our Group Secretary attends the group conscience and takes notes of significant group discussions. Distributes monthly GC minutes to service members and updates to service roster, meeting format and chat host scripts to members in service.  At rotation, GC Secretary sends outgoing service roster and new rotation roster, current format and chat host scripts to incoming service members with suggestion to connect with outgoing members for orientation on their commitment. Before rotation, GS will reach out to service members and request updates to service commitment listed webpage. This position has a 12-month term beginning April 1 each year.

Website Chair

Our group maintains a website to produce and hold information for the members to support the health of our group and our adherence to the traditions. The Website Chair helps update and maintain the content of the site. This position has a 12-month term beginning June 1 each year. 


Our group practices the seventh tradition of Al-Anon, which suggests that we are self-supporting through our own contributions. 

Our group treasurer collects contributions from our members and distributes our extra funds beyond our meeting costs to our various service entities. 

Members with experience in Al-Anon often feel called to serve in this vital service position. 

This position has a one year term starting in January.


World Service Representative

The World Service Representative represents our group in the world service structure and carries our group conscience in the discussion of the business the worldwide fellowship of Al-Anon. 

This position has a three year term. Next term starts January 1, 2025.

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